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IGAD Calls for Peaceful Completion of the Fresh Election in Kenya

27th October 2017, Nairobi (Kenya): The Inter-Governmental Authority on Development (IGAD) conducted observation of polling stations during the fresh presidential election yesterday in Nairobi and is looking forward to the successful completion of the voting exercise in the remaining counties as announced by the Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission (IEBC).

While waiting for the full completion of the election process, the Head of the IGAD Election Observation Mission (IGAD-EOM), Amb. Tewolde Gebremekel, has urged all stakeholders, especially political and civil society leaders as well as the security organs, to support the peaceful and orderly conduct of the polling tomorrow. “We exhort all parties to avoid any kind of violent acts, and the security forces to refrain from the use of excessive force”, Amb. Tewolde said.

He pointed out that the decision to postpone the election offers each and every Kenyan the opportunity to exercise their constitutional right under these exceptional circumstances.

Furthermore, Amb Tewolde took note of the signal by President Uhuru Kenyatta to reach out to Hon. Raila Odinga after the election as a way of unifying the country. “The openness of President Kenyatta is commendable and his willingness to discuss beyond election times is worth being applauded and encouraged”, he added.

Kenya is a founding IGAD member country that has demonstrated resilience and allowed its people to overcome challenges on their way to prosperity. “Kenya plays a pivotal role in the development within the region and has the responsibility to keep on being a locomotive for peace, prosperity and regional integration”, the Head of the IGAD EOM reiterated.

For further details, contact:
Mahamed A. Abdillahi
Senior Communications Officer
IGAD Secretariat
+254 720 358 037

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