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IGAD and Switzerland sign framework agreement on partnership and cooperation

By July 5, 2014June 18th, 2021No Comments

The Executive Secretary of IGAD H.E Amb. (Eng.) Mahboub Maalim and the Swiss ambassador in Ethiopia, H.E Amb. Andrea Semadeni, have today in Addis Ababa signed a framework agreement on partnership and cooperation between IGAD and Switzerland. The agreement, which comes into force with today’s signing, provides for increased cooperation between Switzerland and IGAD in the Horn of Africa in areas of food security, migration, peace and security, as well as in the field of science.

Within this partnership there will be support to the on-going IDDRSI efforts to build resilience to respond to drought disasters as well as building IGAD’s capacity to implement the Land Policy Initiative in partnership with the UNECA amongst member states. It also includes support to strengthening of migration governance in the region and to the mediation support unit. Federalism and decentralisation and the mediation support efforts of the peace and security division will also benefit from this support.

The first partnership between IGAD and Switzerland, this cooperation will also contribute towards IGAD’s institutional strengthening.

For any further information, please contact;
Caroline Njuki, Migration & Swiss Partnership Coordinator


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