IGAD Agriculture and Environment Staff Train on Gender Mainstreaming Skip to main content

May 03, 2022 (DJIBOUTI, Djibouti): The Agriculture and Environment Division (AED) of the Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD) held a training for the Division staff on mainstreaming of Gender in Programmes from April 25 to 28 in Arta, Djibouti.

The four-day in-house training was conducted by Joselyn Bigirwa, Gender and Land Expert of IGAD with the specific objectives of:

  • developing among the AED staff a common understanding on key gender concepts and mainstreaming approaches in programme cycle management;
  • sharing experiences on current gender mainstreaming interventions undertaken by different AED programmes and identify learning opportunities;
  • assessing and documenting the current capacity of AED on gender;
  • and agreeing on possible short term and midterm actions for gender capacity development.

As the workshop concluded on April 28, a Gender Mainstreaming Capacity Building Plan for AED was developed, as well as a Gender Action Plan for supporting specific AED projects. Also, strategies for enhancing gender learning and collaboration with other IGAD programmes and specialized institutions was devised.

This workshop stems from the below recommendations formulated during the Agriculture and Environment Division retreat in February 2022:

  • Ensure gender mainstreaming in the Division projects and programmes;
  • Units to come together and develop a gender related project/programme; and
  • Conduct gender mainstreaming capacity building

In light of the above recommendations, the Division thus undertook the training for staff in gender mainstreaming to strengthen their capacity in integrating gender in the programme cycle. This was also an orientation training during which current capacities were assessed and further training needs were identified.

The Agriculture and Environment (AED) has been intervening in a number of areas to achieve food and nutrition security, and natural resources, climate change and environment protection to support the socio-economic development of the region. The Division is comprised of three thematic Units; Agriculture and Food security, Natural resources Management, Environment and Biodiversity.

Listen to the testimonies from the trainer and trainees at below links:

Trainer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7V6oHVuXFL0

Trainee: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4ilU6MJl3KY

Trainee: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nAhvRTolsgI


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