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The Executive Secretary of the Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD) has received with great dismay the news of the decision of the Pre-trial Chamber of the International Criminal Court (ICC) which issued a second warrant of arrest against the elected President of Sudan, H.E. Omar Hassan Ahmed Al-Bashir on charges of genocide upon application by the ICC Prosecutor.
IGAD has always voiced concerns about this act by the ICC as it has negative impact on the progress in the democratic transformation of the Sudan following the April 2010 General Election and the ongoing smooth implementation of the Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA) facilitated by IGAD in 2005.  This process includes, inter-alia, the preparations for a referendum for self-determination for the Southern Sudan and negotiations on Post-Referendum Arrangement (PRA), as well as serious efforts of search for a lasting and inclusive solution of the Darfur Crisis.

The Executive Secretary of IGAD notes that neither the United Nations International Commission of enquiry, nor the former AU Mission in Sudan (AMIS) and the AU/UN Hybrid Operation in Darfur (UNAMID) upheld accusation of Genocide in Darfur.

IGAD is convinced that this new and unfortunate decision by the ICC and its action in general on Sudan are counterproductive and will complicate the ongoing efforts.  It will also increase the risk of instability in Sudan, the IGAD region and in the whole continent.
For the above reasons, IGAD, once more, urges the United Nations Security Council to assume its responsibility and act on the AU and IGAD calls to defer the process initiated by the ICC against President Al Bashir.  This is definitely in the interest of peace, justice, reconciliation and stability in Sudan and the entire Horn of Africa Region


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