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By April 11, 2017No Comments

Request for EXPRESSION OF INTEREST (Re advertised)

The Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD) has applied for a grant of UA 2.5 million from the African Development Bank Group (AfDB) towards the development of IGAD Regional Infrastructure Master Plan (IRIMP) and intends to apply part of the agreed amount for this grant to payments under the contract for the preparation of a comprehensive strategy and master plan for the infrastructure sector in the IGAD region.

The comprehensive strategy and master plan for the infrastructure sector in the IGAD region will:

(i)  Facilitate easy intra and interconnectivity within the region;

(ii)  Stimulate regional economic growth and thereby contribute to poverty reduction; and

(iii)   Reduce isolation and promote regional integration and stability.

The scope of services included under this project among others are:

· Formulation of an infrastructure strategic framework, master plan and financing strategy, all which consist of development of a pipeline of infrastructure projects and programmes, including soft interventions/studies and the concomitant financing strategy, which are consistent with the strategic framework and sector policies. The projects and programmes can involve the extension or improvement of existing infrastructure, and the construction of new infrastructure. The projects and programmes will be prioritized in relation to the objectives that they are expected to help achieve.

· Master plan development will cover four infrastructure sectors: transport, energy, ICT, and water. More specifically:

Ø Transport: Air, road, rail, maritime, river-lake, oil pipeline and multimodal systems including one stop border posts (OSBPs).

Ø Energy: Electricity (gas, petroleum products and renewable energy (nuclear energy where feasible); and regional interconnections.

Ø ICT: Telecommunications and ICT networks and infrastructures.  

Ø Transboundary waters: Cross border water supply, storage and multipurpose use, agriculture (irrigation), drought and flooding and environmental sustainable management


The estimated duration of services is 18 months and the estimated starting date is in June 2017. 

IGAD Secretariat now invites eligible Consulting firms with the requisite experience to indicate their interest in providing the services. Interested Consulting firms must provide information indicating that they are qualified to perform the services (brochures, description of similar assignments, experience in similar conditions/projects, etc). Consultants may associate or form joint-ventures to enhance their chances of qualification.

Eligibility criteria, establishment of the short-list and the selection procedure shall be in accordance with the African Development Bank’s “New Procurement Policy”, which is available on the Bank’s website at The Borrower is under no obligation to shortlist any Consulting firm who expresses interest. 

Interested consultants may obtain further information at the address below during office hours (Sunday to Thursday, from 7.30 to 14.30 hrs East Africa Time (GMT+3 hrs), excluding public holidays).

Expressions of interest must mention “Expression of Interest for Consultancy Services for the development of IGAD Regional Infrastructure Master plan” and must be delivered to the address below on or before 27th April 2017 at 14.00hrs East African Time; GMT +3 hours.


Procurement Unit
Administration and Finance, IGAD Secretariat
Avenue Georges Clemenceau

P.O.  Box 2653
Tel: +253-21354050 /21312737


Copy to Email:

Djibouti, Rep. of Djibouti


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