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07 May 2019, NAIROBI (Kenya): The International Labour Organisation (ILO) Country Office in Ethiopia in partnership with the Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD) this morning inaugurated a Migration and Mobility Governance Tripartite Sub-Regional Validation and Consultation Workshop in Nairobi

 This IGAD Member States-ILO-Workers and Employers Association two-day meeting is to validate the draft findings of the two below studies conducted by the ILO implemented project and to enhance the contribution of social partners on the draft IGAD Protocol on Free Movement of Persons:

  • assessment of labour migration and mobility governance and the potential of Skills development; and
  • recognition for regular labour mobility

A total of 85 participants are attending the sub regional tripartite validation workshop.

The overall objective of the tripartite validation and consultation workshop is to foster linkages between research findings and policy making, and promote exchange of ideas and practices among government actors, workers’ organizations, employers’ organisations and other stakeholders involved in labour migration and mobility governance in the IGAD region. It is also aimed at enhancing the engagement and contribution of social partners in the drafting of the IGAD protocol on Free Movement of persons.

In her opening remarks, Ms Fathia A. Alwan, Director of IGAD Health and Social Development Division, thanked ILO for convening the meeting and for the timeliness support to IGAD and its member States in “improving opportunities for regular Labour Mobility”.

She recalled that IGAD was currently spearheading the negotiations of a regional Protocol on Free Movement of Persons and Transhumance. “IGAD initiatives aim to complement continental processes by customizing the continental protocol to address the peculiarities of the IGAD region”, she said.

Below are the expected outputs at the end of the workshop:

  • Improved knowledge about labour migration and mobility governance, skills development and recognition as well as the link between climate change, labour market and migration in the region;
  • Enhanced network to facilitate ongoing exchange of experiences and information sharing about migration to achieve multiplier effect;
  • Gathered concrete inputs and recommendations to further enrich the findings of the studies; and
  • Coordinated actions and strategies on the publication and wider dissemination of the findings of the studies.

In order to support IGAD and its member States towards free movement of persons and transhumance in the region, the ILO is implementing a three year technical cooperation project titled “Free Movement of Persons and Transhumance in the IGAD Region: Improving Opportunities for Regular Labour Mobility”. The project is being implemented in collaboration with the IGAD and its member States with the financial support of the European Union.

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