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Call for expressions of interest in view of collecting a list of vendors for Visibility & Communication

IGAD-INWRMP was perceived in 2009 under the EC’s Horn Africa initiative and forms part of a major donor supported effort to strengthen and reinforce the mandate of IGAD on behalf of its member states. The key issue that the region has faced in the past decade are related to instability arising from poor governance and scarcity of natural resources coupled with the vagaries of the climate. Other than infrastructure and economic decline of the region, shortage of water is one of the underlying factors that still remain critical in improving the conditions of the people in the region. This programme aims at addressing the water related concerns in the Region

IGAD-INWRMP is supported through a Financing Agreement between EU and IGAD providing Eur 14.7M and started its activities on June 2012 with a mobilization of the EC’s Technical Assistance Team (EC TA Team). It will be implemented in three phases and on four result areas

Therefore IGAD-INWRMP needs suppliers/vendors that can provide the different supplies, services and works as needed for its implementation now as here under:

1-    Conference materials like bags for forum (kits including printed bags,pens,paper,flyers etc, with EU & IGAD log )
2-    Visibilities like T-Shirts, hats, pens, etc. with EU & IGAD logos
3-    Banners and posters 
4-    Communication Agency for design of documents
5-    Communication in written press
6-    Video documentary film productions on water security (based on demo projects)
7-    Video documentary film distribution –TV Fees
8-    TV intervention to cover events

Vendors are requested to see details of EU’s guideline on Communication and visibility manual on

Suppliers from all IGAD Member States are expected to participate and send us their interests stating their respective field along with Company Profile, references, and renewed trade licenses along with samples of their products if possible up to 25 August, 2013.

Documents can be sent by Email to or hard copies to Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD-INWRMP), Avenue George Clemenceau P.O. Box 2653 Djibouti, Republic of Djibouti.

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