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Delegates from IGAD Member States, World Bank, FAO concluded today a three day workshop on Regional Pastoral Livelihood Resilience Project in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.

Participants were from the National Project Preparation Teams (NPPTs) including the NPPT leader, the components leaders for Natural Resource Management (NRM), Market Access and Trade (MAT), Livelihoods Support (LLS), Pastoral Risk Management (PRM) and the M&E specialist; IGAD Resilience Focal point in the Member State and IGAD Focal Point in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA) of the concerned Member State; Experts from MS Ministries of Finance (MoF) as well as thematic experts that reviewed the proposed activities across each project component.

The objective of this mission was to bring together the NPPTs from IGAD and the three countries to fine-tune and harmonize their key common priorities for interventions with a focus on those having a regional dimension. The regional workshop provided an opportunity for all key actors in the design of the Regional Pastoral Livelihoods Resilience Project (RPLRP) to meet together and review progress made since the February 11-15 meeting in Kampala, Uganda.

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