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The 1st Steering Committee of the INWRMP was convened at IGAD Headquarters on 9-10 July 2012. The meeting was addressed by H. E. Nicola DELCROIX, EU Ambassador to Djibouti and H. E. Eng. Mahboub Maalim, Executive Secretary of IGAD. They both indicated that the project implementation has been delayed as a result of a very long gestation period and stressed the need to expedite its implementation. They urged all stakeholders to meet deadlines so as not to create another delay. The meeting was attended by nominated representatives of Member States as well as by the Focal Points for the Programme.
At the same time the IGAD-HYCOS had its 2nd Steering Committee meeting, at which the work programme for HYCOS was also discussed and agreed. The IGAD HYCOS is a component of the INWRMP being implemented by WMO on behalf of IGAD.

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