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IGAD Security Sector ProgramPeace and Security

ISSP Conducted a Training Seminar on Advanced Interrogation Skills in Counter Terrorism

By October 27, 2011June 18th, 2021No Comments

21 October 2011 – The IGAD Security Sector Program (ISSP), the new and restructured ICPAT program which was launched on the 6th of October 2011, in coordination with the Center on Global Counterterrorism Cooperation (CGCC) with the support of the Royal Danish Government conducted a 4 days training seminar on Advanced Interrogation Skills in Counter Terrorism at the Sheraton Hotel in Kampala, Uganda from 18th to the 21st October 2011.

The Training is a follow up of the series of trainings provided by ICPAT and CGCC that focused on the implementation of the IGAD Extradition and Mutual Legal Assistance Conventions and the strengthening of cross-border cooperation networks amongst law enforcement officials in IGAD states. 

25 representatives from Djibouti, Ethiopia, Kenya, Somalia, Sudan, Uganda as well as South Sudan took part and the officials were drawn from the National Security Services, Police, National Counter Terrorism Centres and Magistrate.  The Seminar was officially opened by H.E. Ms. Nathalia Feinberg, the Ambassador of the Royal Danish Embassy to Uganda following a welcoming remark by Mr. James Cockayne, the Co-Director of CGCC and a keynote speech by Commander Abebe Muluneh, the Acting Director of ISSP.

During the four days training, three trainers; Mr. Thomas David Parker, Mr. Anthony Camerino, and Ms. Liat Shetret gave different lectures on limitations and unintended consequences of coercive interrogations, deconstructing the ‘ticking time bomb’ scenario, rethinking interrogations – the importance of knowing the interviewee and rapport building, the advantages of non-coercive interrogation techniques, training in non-coercive interview techniques, interviewing the most vulnerable groups, supervising and managing interrogators, and encouraging non-coercive interrogations in East Africa. Ms. Birgit Gerstenberg, Head of Office, Representative in Uganda of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights also made a presentation on International Human Rights Law on Norms and Principles Applying to Interrogations giving the perspective of humanitarian agencies.  The training was fully interactive in that participants exchanged ideas and shared information with regard to the different presentations.  Participants were also engaged in different role plays that allowed them to practice and develop non-coercive interview techniques.  The training was concluded after certificates were handed out to the officials

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