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Fr. Patrick Devine and Mahboub MaalimIGAD signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the Shalom Centre for Conflict Resolution and Reconciliation (SCCRR) at the Nairobi Liaison Office.

The MoU is aimed at coordinating efforts of the two organizations in the region and collaborating closely to promote cooperation in public policy research and facilitate joint programmes in matters of common concern.

During the brief signing ceremony, the IGAD Executive Secretary, Eng. Mahboub Maalim stated that they will identify critical public policy issues that concern IGAD Member States and adopt joint research and training programs with SCCRR to address such issues. The programs will be in areas of peace, security, development, environment, social progress, and human resource capacity building.

On his part, Fr. Patrick Devine of SCCRR said that the two institutions intend to maintain a close relationship for information sharing on ongoing and future activities in areas of common concern and enable each other to contribute to the one another’s program, agenda and strategy development, to the extent possible.

Details and an operational plan for the implementation of the MoU will be discussed later at a joint meeting of directors of the two organizations.



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