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CONSULTANCY SERVICE to Organize Regional Conference on Enhancing the Contribution of Blue Economy in IGAD Region Building Resilience and Attaining Food/Nutrition Security

By July 14, 2018No Comments




CONSULTANCY SERVICE to Organize Regional Conference on Enhancing the Contribution of Blue Economy in IGAD Region Building Resilience and Attaining Food/Nutrition Security


The Blue Economy refers to the sustainable use and conservation of marine, ocean and coastal resources for food security, job creation, and economic growth. It is about fisheries, aquaculture, minerals, energy, transport, trade, seabed mining, coastal zone management, tourism, marine biotechnology, as well as aquatic endangered, threatened and protected species and areas. Most importantly, it is about the livelihoods that can be derived, and improved, with these activities. In the case of the Red Sea and Indian Ocean an important dimension of Blue economy is related to the security aspects (i.e.: piracy control) and legal framework (i.e.: environmental issues, off shore fish trading, cross borders trade, among others). In all of the Horn of Africa sea shores, Blue Economy shall also consider the impact of climate change, global warming and oceans acidification as well as the impact of inland not controlled floods affecting the coastal areas and sea life. Promote joint development strategies and gradually harmonize macro-economic policies and programs in the social, technological and scientific fields;

The economy of the IGAD region is mainly based on the use of its terrestrial natural resources while the region is also endowed with huge aquatic resources. However, the resource is not properly developed and used to improve the livelihoods and FNS of the region mainly due to: 

  • the fact that potential of the blue economy is not well understood and quantified either at central or at decentralized level
  • inadequate capacity of the member states to sustainably manage blue economic resources
  • lack of common legal and policy frameworks
  • lack of a regional platform to promote regional cooperation and exchange of views, ideas and experience on the various blue economy sectors
  • lack of enabling policies for public – private – partnership in the development of blue economy 

IGAD Secretariat in collaboration with FAO-Djibouti and Djibouti Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock with technical and financial support of EU-Djibouti will organize the regional conference. Senior regional/international consultant will be recruited to identify best experiences on the contribution of Blue economy across the IGAD region, other regions and at international level. The consultant will be also responsible for facilitating the conference and produce post-conference report that will guide on the implementation of best practices in the IGAD region.


The overall objective of this project is to promote the development of the blue economy to contribute to achieving food and nutrition security, resilience building, generating employment and income for youth and women and propelling economic growth in the region.


▪ Advanced University Degree in Biology, Agriculture, Natural Resources Economics, Socio-economics, and related fields.

▪ Broad experience in blue/green economy valuation and policy formulation.

▪ Working experience of valuation of natural resources.

▪ Proven evidence in networking.

▪ Experiences in organizing high level international and regional experiences 

▪ Minimum of 20 years working experiences.

▪ Good writing skills.

▪ Good knowledge of English with good computer skills

▪ French language has an added value.



The indicative starting date for the assignment is August 2018. The kick-off meeting will take place in the EU Delegation to Djibouti and IGAD premises in Djibouti.

The total duration of the consultancy will be 3 months. International consultant will be recruited and he will have 30 man-days distributed over 3 months.


The working language is English. All the reports have to be produced in English.

An Inception Report shall be submitted at the end of the first 15 days.

The draft Final Report shall be produced only in an electronic version and emailed to the representatives of IGAD and the EU Delegation for further dissemination, as well as to the other partners for comments at the latest 1 week after reception of the same.

A period of 10 calendar days is granted to the stakeholders to submit their comments on the draft Final Report.

The comments will be compiled by IGAD and submitted to the consultant.

The Final Reports must be submitted within 10 days after reception of comments.


Interested Consultants must submit their expression of interest (updated CV and non-returnable educational and work experience credentials with a cover letter) to the address below in person, or by mail or by email no later than200 pm  local time on 8th  August  2018. Our address is:

Procurement Unit

   Administration and Finance

IGAD Secretariat

Avenue Georges Clemenceau


Copy to:

P.O. Box 2653,

Djibouti, Republic of Djibouti


Women applicants are encouraged.

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