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05-03-2018, Djibouti (Djibouti): The Director of Agriculture and Environment Division of the Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD)-Mr Mohamed Moussa, on behalf of IGAD Executive Secretary, today took the opportunity of officially launching the process of the Mid-term Review of the IGAD Strategy 2016-2020 during the Validation Workshop of its Inception Report held at the regional organisation’s Secretariat conference hall in Djibouti. 

This one-day workshop whose overall objective was to conduct a Mid-Term Review (MTR) of the implementation of the IGAD Strategy and its Implementation Plan 2016-2020, gathered the IGAD Focal Points at Member States’ Ministries of Foreign Affairs, the IGAD Drought Disaster resilience and Sustainability Initiative (IDDRSI) National Coordinators, and IGAD staff. 

Mr Moussa gave a brief overview of the preparation work which had laid the ground for the IGAD Strategy 2016-2020. He highlighted the uniqueness of the development phase of the Strategy document which required consultations with stakeholders at Member States national level for the drafting of a comprehensive State of the Region Report upon which to build the Strategy. 

“We strive to have the mid-term review process follow the same inclusive path as the developing of the Strategy. It was in this respect that we did convene consultation meetings with Members States and Development Partners for the drafting of the Terms of Reference for the mid-term review process in November 2017 in Addis Ababa”, he said. 

ES with Director of Agriculture and Environment and Program Manager for Planning and CoordinationExecutive Secretary with Director of Agriculture and Environment and the Program Manager for Planning and Coordination

He precised that the exercise of the day consisted in:

  • assessing the progress of implementation and challenges to date;
  • reviewing the implementation status of the key recommendations made during the formulation of the Strategy;
  • assessing whether the intermediate outcomes of the strategy can be achieved within the allocated timeframe and whether specific strategic intervention areas are aligned with and contribute to the attainment of objective of the Strategy;
  • proposing any necessary adjustments to the Strategy aspirations and results framework to ensure achievement of the objective of the strategy; and
  • making recommendations for follow-up actions. 

The Programme Manager of Planning & Coordination Section, Mr Ahmed Y. Habbane, pointed out to the fact that the Strategy is also a tool for resource mobilisation. He thus encouraged all concerned in the room to show commitment to the process as it will be brought to all Members States and other stakeholders. 

IGAD Executive Secretary joined the meeting shortly after the opening session and contributed to the debates during this key meeting and giving it due importance.




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