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25th October 2017, Nairobi (Kenya): The Inter-Governmental Authority on Development (IGAD) has deployed an Election Observation Mission (IGAD-EOM) to the fresh presidential elections scheduled to take place tomorrow, 26thOctober 2017 in Kenya. This follows an invitation that the Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission of Kenya (IEBC) extended to IGAD.

It is to be recalled that IGAD did observe the general elections of 8th August 2017. On the basis of its observations, the IGAD EOM’s preliminary conclusion was that the elections were conducted in a peaceful, orderly and transparent manner.

IGAD took note of the decision by the Supreme Court to annul the results of the presidential election, and commended all parties for respecting the verdict. Consequently, IGAD urges all parties and leaders to maintain a fidelity to the law and the Constitution of Kenya in their conduct towards this coming election and its aftermath.

IGAD is of the conviction that elections are critical to revealing citizens’ democratic will in choosing between differing visions by leaders. They require peace and security for citizens to properly exercise their rights. As such, IGAD calls on all leaders, citizens, and members of the regional and international community to act as one in protecting the security of the polls from all threats of illegal disruption or interruption.

We stand with the people of Kenya during this important election, and urge them to maintain their inspirational role in the democratization of our region and continent.

The IGAD-EOM to Kenya is led by Amb. Tewolde Gebremeskel, Peace & Security Division Director. The IGAD-EOM team started its mission on 19th October; it will be deployed in selected areas.

“Kenya is an important cornerstone of the region’s peace, security and stability as well as being a leading economic powerhouse,” states Amb. Tewolde, adding that IGAD is counting on the leaders and the people of Kenya to maintain their democratic gains.

The objective of IGAD election observer mission is to observe efforts by member state s to conduct credible and fair elections, and to then provide constructive feedback that aims to improve future elections. In this way, IGAD facilitates the gradual development of a vibrant democratic election culture in our region.


For further details, contact:

Mahamed A. Abdillahi
Communication Officer
+254 720 358 037

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