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By October 18, 2017No Comments




BACKGROUND: The Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD) is a regional economic bloc operating in eight countries namely; Djibouti, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Kenya, Somalia, South Sudan, Sudan, and Uganda.

IGAD’s vision is be a premier regional organization for achieving peace, prosperity and regional integration in the IGAD region.

IGAD’s aims and objectives include;

  • Promote joint development strategies and gradually harmonize macro-economic policies and programmes in the social, technological and scientific fields;
  • Harmonize policies with regard to trade, customs, transport, communications, agriculture, and natural resources and environment, and promote free movement of goods, services, and people within the region.
  • Create an enabling environment for foreign, cross-border and domestic trade and investment;
  • Initiate and promote programmes and projects to achieve regional food security and sustainable development of natural resources and environmental protection, and encourage and assist efforts of Member States to collectively combat drought and other natural and man-made disasters and their consequences;
  • Develop and improve a coordinated and complementary infrastructure, in the areas of transport, telecommunications and energy in the region;
  • Promote peace and stability in the region and create mechanisms within the region for the prevention, management and resolution of inter-State and intra-State conflicts through dialogue;
  • Mobilize resources for the implementation of emergency, short-term, medium-term and long-term programmes within the framework of regional cooperation;
  • Facilitate, promote and strengthen cooperation in research development and application in science and technology.
  • Provide capacity building and training at regional and national levels; and
  • Generate and disseminate development information in the region


  • IGAD is a regional economic community which necessitates that a study on a sample be undertaken to gauge the reach by IGAD to stakeholders and public opinion by conducting an opinion survey using online panels for a regional audience, and face-to-face interactions with stakeholders limited to two (2) member countries’ capital cities, i.e. Nairobi, Kenya and Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.

Within the framework of another consultancy slated for the first quarter of 2018, this audience survey will serve as a basis and tool in order to merge the initial IGAD Communication Strategy with the updates brought to it in 2016 for a fine-tuned and comprehensive Communication Strategy document that is in line with the overall IGAD Communication Strategy 2016-20.

  • The IGAD Stylebook will be the primary tool aimed at standardizing writing, abbreviations, acronyms, titles, names, punctuation…across all formats of written materials by IGAD Staff and consultants.

Audience Survey



  • Effectiveness of the Organization’s communication programmes
  • Choice of communication modalities and channels
  • Sufficiency and efficiency of existing information
  • Appropriateness of type and volume of information
  • Appropriateness of the awareness messages and targeted campaigns


  • Efficient spread of service across the region
  • Accessibility of IGAD related information to all interest groups
  • Timeliness of IGAD in preparing and responding to regional issues and matters
  • Efficiency of information distributed
  • Effectiveness of existing channels of communication
  • General awareness about the mandates and interventions IGAD offers


  • Perceived levels of awareness of IGAD’s mandate and corresponding effectiveness
  • Perceived areas/issues addressed or not addressed by IGAD
  • Ready recognition of the name Intergovernmental Authority on Development, the acronym IGAD and the IGAD logo
  • Awareness of the programmes, projects and activities normally conducted by the organization


The primary objective of the public perception survey is to obtain relevant information that will inform and contribute to the IGAD Communication Strategy for strategic planning and coordination, strategic brand visibility and placing across the region while maximizing our presence among key stakeholders.


 Interested parties should submit a proposal to include:

  • The methodology that will be employed to collect, analyze and present findings to reach;
  • the respondents we need, using the most appropriate methodology for our research objectives;
  • A Data Quality Management Plan;
  • A standardized Questionnaire/data collection instrument for gathering survey results;
  • Administer physical survey limited to three (3) days in the capital cities of 2 (two) IGAD Member States’ capital cities (Nairobi and Addis Ababa);
  • Administer an online survey on an audience (Member States officials, development partners, media practitioners, some general public) across the IGAD region (list of surveyees will be provided by IGAD);
  • Consolidate and analyze survey results in view of updating the IGAD Communication Strategy.


  • The sample should reflect the views across IGAD region
  • Respondents should include select officials of Member States, representatives from IGAD development partners, media practitioners, and general public.


  • Selected firm will have to conduct a three-day mission inside the capital cities of  two IGAD member states for the purpose of interviews with audience;
  • Selected firm/individual will have to physically meet with and survey a few government officials, a few development partners, some media practitioners based in that capital city of an IGAD member country,
  • Selected firm will have to cover all expenses related to those missions.


  • First two weeks

o A survey plan

o A detailed budget and work plan

 o Draft survey instrument

o Final version of the survey instrument(s)

o An inception report

  • Second two-three weeks

o Code Book

o Online surveying and face to face interviews

o Data collection

o Draft Data Analysis Report

  • Third two-three weeks

o Final Data Analysis Reports

o Presentation of findings to key stakeholders

  1. IGAD Style book

The IGAD Stylebook will be the primary tool aimed at editing and formatting standards in order to standardize writing, abbreviations, acronyms, titles, names, punctuation in footnotes, endnotes, parenthetical citations, bibliographies.…across all formats of written materials by IGAD Staff and consultants. It will be inspired by the Associated Press Style book in a simpler manner as the first IGAD stylebook that will be updated regularly. It will be the IGAD writing and editing reference.

 Scope of work

The consulting firm will have to go through IGAD websites, reports, visibility materials…in order to identify disparities in writing, abbreviations, acronyms, titles, names, punctuation in footnotes, endnotes, parenthetical citations, bibliographiesand propose a compilation in an alphabetical order of the standards to follow. British English will be the language of reference.

 The draft Stylebook will be submitted for review to IGAD staff within 6-7 weeks from commencement of consultation.

 Consulting firm will perform remotely and will complete work within a maximum of 10 weeks.

 Profile of the Researcher

  • Firm
  • Experience and proven track record in conducting quantitative and qualitative surveys and developing communication strategies
  • Possess the capacity to deploy locally and supervise field personnel in the execution data gathering activities.
  • Knowledge in Project Management
  • Confidential
  • References required


The individual/firm shall be responsible for providing monthly updates and/or reports to Mr. Mahamed A. Abdillahi, Senior Communications Officer, Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD),  


The Consultancy shall be for a maximum of ten (10) weeks.

Selection Method

As per IGAD procurement Manual revised and updated on 1 January 2017.

Terms and Conditions

  • IGAD reserves the right to terminate the appointment/contract or any part thereof; at any stage of completion should IGAD decide not to proceed with the project.
  • Materials and products may not be made available to any unauthorized person or institution without prior written consent from IGAD.
  • On completion or termination of the agreement, all materials and products must be handed over to IGAD Communication and Public Information Department

Interested companies may send (mail or e-mail) their Technical and Financial Proposals with a cover letter to the below address on or before 10:00am on November 13, 2017.

Procurement Unit,

Administration and Finance, 
IGAD Secretariat, Avenue Georges Clemenceau,
P.O.  Box 2653,


Djibouti, Republic of Djibouti.

Any request for clarification must be sent to the address above.

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