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Nairobi, Kenya – Member States representatives from the Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD) have today validated a Regional Conflict Prevention, Peace Building and Mediation Assessment Report in Nairobi Kenya.
The report provides a forum for practice-oriented discussions on how the recommendations emerging from the assessment can form a strong and effective baseline to strengthen national capacities on conflict prevention, peace building and mediation.

Due to the need for a baseline on national capacities on peace making, peace building structures; IGAD with the support of UNDP is working on strengthening national institutions in order to enrich conflict prevention and peace building mechanisms.

The assessment by Markallan Consulting based in Kenya provides an opportunity for information base against which to monitor and assess gaps in the peace building infrastructure of IGAD member states.

Some of the recommendations include a) the need for Interdependence in peace building; b) regional comprehensive vision and approach; c) sustainable peace building (long term) ; d) strategic overview and action; e) dialogue with willingness, openness and space; f) coordination and cooperation; g) social infrastructure, h) harmonization of legal frameworks and policies to guide the coordination of the key actors at national levels; i) capacity building, reconciliation and social transformation apparatus; j) inclusivity of participation of relevant actors (state and non-state actors), and k) gender mainstreaming, to mention but a few.

The workshop focused on reviewing the draft report, identifying opportunities in strengthening capacities on peace building, conflict prevention and mediation in Member States.

Member States re-emphasized that peace building requires coherence in approach and clarity of roles at national level addressing specific concerns, which hinder effective conflict prevention and peace building.

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